Possible hybrid doll combinations
Possible hybrid doll combinations
in this posting I will try to summarize the currently possible hybrid doll combinations with Doll Sweet heads respectively Doll Sweet bodies.
All hybrid dolls listed below will require an adapter; most adapters are available from Dollstudio DollWorx.
Head by Doll Sweet:
- DS2DH - Doll Sweet head onto Doll House 168 body
- DS2EX - Doll Sweet head onto EX-lite body
- DS2IT - Doll Sweet head onto Irontech body
- DS2JY - Doll Sweet head onto JY Doll body
- DS2OI - Doll Sweet head onto Orient Industry body (native silicone)
- DS2OR - Doll Sweet head onto OR Doll body
- DS2WM - Doll Sweet head onto WM Doll/WM Dolls body
- DS2YL - Doll Sweet head onto YL Doll body
- DS2ZO - Doll Sweet head onto Z-Onedoll body (native silicone)
Body by Doll Sweet:
- 4W2DS - 4woods head onto Doll Sweet body (native silicone)
- DH2DS - Doll House 168 head onto Doll Sweet body
- DS2EX - Doll Sweet head onto EX-lite body
- IT2DS - Irontech Doll head onto Doll Sweet body
- JY2DS - JY Doll head onto Doll Sweet body
- OI2DS - Orient Industry head onto Doll Sweet body (native silicone)
- OI2EX - Orient Industry head onto EX-lite body (native silicone)
- OR2DS - OR Doll head onto Doll Sweet body
- WM2DS - WM Doll/WM Dolls head onto Doll Sweet body
- WM2EX - WM Doll/WM Dolls head onto EX-lite body
- YL2DS - YL Doll head onto Doll Sweet body
- ZO2DS - Z-Onedoll head onto Doll Sweet body (native silicone)
Most of these adapters were designed by @mi6c. The mi6c adapters are non-destructive, meaning: you do not have to do a permanent modification on your doll. Some adapters are designed by VonRubber; these adapters allow to connect an head with M16 connector with an EX-lite body. These adapters require yout to loosen a screw in the EX-lite's neck connector, and to replace this neck connector with a new connector.
Some manufacturers have introduced new connector types; that includes Doll House 168 ("EVO" series), Irontech (upraded skeleton), JY Doll (upgraded skeleton), and Z-Onedoll (upgraded skeleton). These new connector types are not supported yet - manufacturers that want to be supported are kindly invited to share their connector specs.
More information about these adapters is available:
Re: Possible hybrid doll combinations
Funny I was thinking of asking you this very same question.
Interesting to see which heads from other makers will fit on DS dolls.
Think the main problem for me with a yellow skinned doll will be getting color matches.