Evolution doll

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#1 7. January 2018 - 21:29
Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
Joined: 06.01.2018 - 22:21

Evolution doll


Could someone please explain how customization of new Evolution doll http://en.dsdolleurope.com/bodies/doll-sweet-ds-167-evo-body-style works?

Which skin color for which head?

Thank you!

8. January 2018 - 19:35
Sandro's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: 22.05.2015 - 18:08

Re: Evolution doll

Hi Alf,

Alf said in Evolution doll

Could someone please explain how customization of new Evolution doll http://en.dsdolleurope.com/bodies/doll-sweet-ds-167-evo-body-style works? Which skin color for which head?!

The DS-167 Evo is the cumulation of various skills and technologies Doll Sweet developed in the past months. There are a lot of new features with confusing dependencies, and the business logic of an online shop system can not fully accomodate for which option depends on what configuration.

I will try to untangle:

  • The UK-170 Evo (Chinese name) body style is identical with wth DS-167 Evo (name outside of China)
  • The DS-167 Evo is optionally available with Studio-level (S-level) makeup; be default she comes with standard makeup.
  • The body shape is based on the 'old' DS-167. Specs are similar.
  • The DS-167 Evo has a built-in (fixed) vagina. There is no insert option available.
  • The DS-167 Evo has more surface texture on the sculpture.
  • Which heads and which skin tones are available depends on the makeup style.

Available heads with S-level (studio level) makeup are Kayla, Sharon (Mohan) and Leaf.

  • The Sharon (aka Mohan) head with new S class make-up is only available in combination with the DS-167 Evo body style and in a new 'special' skin color between 'cream' and 'tan';
  • the Leaf head with new S class make-up is only available in combination with the DS-167 Evo body style and in a new 'special' skin color between 'cream' and 'tan';
  • the Kayla head is available either with new S class make-up, or with standard makeup in all six DS skin tones.

At the moment you can get:

  • a DS-167 Evo with regular makeup and two heads; or
  • a DS-167 Evo with S class make-up and one head (plus a free costume)

Pricing for customers in the U.S. and Canada is currently like so:

  • DS-167 Evo with S-level makeup, one head: $3290 - $50 discount = $3240 (plus shipping & transaction fees)
  • DS-167 Evo with standard makeup, two heads: $2990 - $200 discount = $2790 (plus shipping & transaction fees)

Shipping to U.S. destinations is $479. For payment I'd recommend wire bank transfer to save transaction costs (Paypal: ~$160). The US prices do not include import fees.

EU prices are here: http://en.dsdolleurope.com/node/4390. The EU prices include shipping and import fees.

Now did I get anyone confused?


9. January 2018 - 7:46
mi6c's picture
Last seen: 7 years 1 week ago
Joined: 21.10.2017 - 15:16

Re: Evolution doll

Well, at least you confused yourself enough to get the math totally wrong, so I suggest to correct it some time after a cup of tea or two.
Other than that I do like where this is going, maybe there's one of these upcoming beauties in my future.
All the best.